Latest Episodes

Morning Drive - July 10, 2023
To start this week of great programming Bill discusses the Berkshire Athenaeum and all of its wonderful program with a couple of staff members

Morning Drive - July 7, 2023
On today’s show Shawn Serre welcomes Brenda Petell and Katherine von Haefen from Berkshire United Way into the WTBR studio for a chat

Morning Drive - July 6, 2023
Bill finishes up a week of elected officials with State Representative Smitty Pignatelli of Lenox

Morning Drive - July 4, 2023
This morning Bill visits the other section of the Massachusetts legislative branch and talks with State Senator Paul Mark.

Morning Drive - July 3, 2023
John Barrett, State Representative for the 1st Berkshire District, stops by the show and spends the hour catching Bill up on important issues in...

Morning Drive - June 30, 2023
This morning Josh Cutler zooms into the program to talk with Bill about the Eagles Band and their upcoming summer events.