Latest Episodes

Morning Drive - September 11, 2023
It’s the start of BCC Week as Bill welcomes Celia Norcross, Tina Schettini, Megan Lussier and Adam Klepetar to the program

Morning Drive - September 8, 2023
This week on the program Bill welcomes candidates who are involved in the upcoming Preliminary Election on September 19th. Today he speaks with Ward...

Morning Drive - September 7, 2023
This week on the program Bill welcomes candidates who are involved in the upcoming Preliminary Election on September 19th. Today he speaks with Mayoral...

Morning Drive - September 6, 2023
This week on the program Bill welcomes candidates who are involved in the upcoming Preliminary Election on September 19th. Today he speaks with Mayoral...

Morning Drive - September 5, 2023
This week on the program Bill welcomes candidates who are involved in the upcoming Preliminary Election on September 19th. Today he speaks with Mayoral...

Morning Drive - August 31, 2023
Host Shawn Serre welcomes Samantha Kendall from Berkshire Harm Reduction Services into the studio this morning.